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'to-do' list for the site (updated 2/21/2025)

  • change style of homepage (or make like. a switch or toggle to make it look different haha.)
  • sticker collection show-off page
  • eventual bracelet collection show-off page
  • sketchbook/art archive show-off page
  • add to fnaf shrine
  • add to animal jam shrine
  • optional, new CSS design

  • 2/23/2025- planning on getting a drum cover of Chemical Overreaction/Compound Fracture by Will Wood up at some point, planning for more on the Animal Jam shrine i have, but.. i'm using this to procrastinate on my homework ughhh
    since i have a sticker book now i'm gonna probably upload scans of the pages and make that the sticker showoff page on this site
    the animal jam brainrot has been getting to me man idk. i freaking love this game i forget how nostalgic i am for it

    past entries

    2/21/2025- im fucking exhausted but HI I LOVE MY SITE
    working on my commissions page right now because i want moneys and i want them NEEOOWWW !! you can check most of my work on toyhouse at and the current page for commissions looks like this right now


    2/12/2025- fuck this shit im bedridden yo
    i wanna work on my site so bad but this damn world !!!!

    2/11/2025- i just got sick like two times back to back lemme fuckig chill
    opening commissions and getting back into drawin silly stuff (FURRIES) so PLEASE send me money i will draw you a goofy lil guy

    1/17/2025- BOY what a fuckin year that was ... fuck my life lol
    i hope i have the time to work on this site thru the school year i literally wanna so bad but holy shit why do i have so many enrichment activities keeping me busy!!! oh well..

    12/21/2024- ive been listening to the fear by death grips nonstop for the past two days i love when a song grips my listening historyyyy

    mannnn going outside and touching grass actually helps. who actually knew
    due to holidays the site's updates may slow down a lil ( which is awful i love working on my site!! lemme work on it forevverrr )

    i downloaded a bunchh of fnaf gifs to my site so i could work on the shrine hehe theres just a fuck ton of jpegs and pngs chillin here. i only ever want to acknowledge fnaf 1-4 cus like fuck off with all that other shit ... that aint real to me (real talk internet i just dont care for the other stuff. could u tell i only grew up with the first four haha) like security breach is chill n all but ive read the books and none of the newer stuff really clicks to me. i just don't understand it.
    oneee dayyyy i'll work on the aj shrine again i just haven't logged in for awhileeee but ajpc has a backdoor to my brain essentially haha
    made a weirdcore edit or two weirdcore edit of A foggy forest, with blurry bright white stars and text reading Found it! weirdcore edit of A dark cemetary at night with an angel statue, with blurred text reading I saw an angel Today at 7:04 PM. It is a gif that brightens and darkens. right click n open in a new tab if u wanna look at em lol. "personal interest" blabber: Current interestMonarch Of Monsters is my current interest. Like OMG OMG OMG fuck i love this album so much right now. Dude go fucking listen to it right now. dude its an album AND A SHORT STORY UGHH DUDE ITS SO SICK I LISTENED TO THE ALBUM AND IT MATCHED THE PACE OF WHAT PAGE I WAS ON THAT WAS SO SICK AHHGG ( THERES A FEW CWs TO KEEP IN MIND, THEY ARE LISTED ON THE WEBSITE LINKED TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF VIEWER)

    12/18/2024- woo!! created a fnaf button to link from homepage to fnaf shrine :3 i love sitemaking teehee

    12/17/2024- 17 is my favorite number btw. hi chat im making a fnaf shrine page type deal rn.
    added a bunch of blinkees, css optimization.. blah blah blah. nothing major. teehee helped with my husband's website go look at it!!!

    12/16/2024- codin on ma site. i should like totally make a fnaf4/fnaf minigames shrine cus holyyy fuckkkkkkkk. omg wait the test.html thing looks good i might move my current index page out in place of it teehee ily index page sorry. I SHOULD WEAR MY GLASSESS..... omg dude i fucking love my new layout hell yes i love life. coding's worth it actually. also reminder that the glow in the dark stars theme went hard n to use it again for another page whenever lol glow-in-the-dark star background credit here

    simple drawing of a long-haired person with a birthday hat, and a rainbow birthday cake.


    12/15/2024- holy shit ive updated the site like nonstop for 2 or 3 days now. how awesome lol.